In this video you can actively practice and see if you know when to use the auxiliary verb SEIN and when HABEN to form prefect tense. This exercise consists of 15 sentences in perfect tense that not only include the most important past participles of verbs that form perfect tense with SEIN but also some participles of verbs that are often mixed up. More important videos about this topic and explanations for the grammar part you can find below in this description.
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In this video you will learn how to form AND when to use the German demonstrative pronouns "dieser, dieses, diese...". Together with example sentences and questions and answers you can practice along with me. In German they are called "Demonstrativpronomen" and mostly used in situations when you can point at something or somebody. There are some VERBS that require DATIVE case. And in this lesson you have the chance to practice the most important ones for A1 along with Personal Pronouns in accusative & dative. The first exercise is exclusively about A1 dative verbs, while the second exercise also requires the knowledge of personal pronouns in accusative and dative. Therefore this lesson is based on our videos "Verben Mit Dativ A1" , "German Personal Pronouns in Dative" and "German Personal Pronouns in Akkusativ". In case you haven't learnt or struggle with either one of these topics we recommend to watch the applicable video before you start this exercise. Do you also have this problem? Welcher, welche, or welches... when do you have to use which? In this video you will learn when, why and how you have to use the correct ending for the right situation. The question word welch... is a very common used way to ask a question in daily German language. What else you can use it for you will learn at the end of the video in the bonus tips. The verbs STELLEN | LEGEN | STEHEN | LIEGEN cause a lot of confusion and are often used the wrong way. So we decided to create a lesson that gives you the chance to practice those four verbs and the prepositions that they come with. In the first section of this practice video you will get a very brief review/explanation when to use which verb, followed by multiple-choice questions. You will not only have to choose the correct verb but also need to put it into the right form. The second part is about choosing the right preposition and case for each sentence. Like in section one you will get a short review/explanation when to use which case. |