You already know possessive articles in nominative case and learned accusative as well? Then you should watch this video to learn all about POSSESSIVE ARTICLES in ACCUSATIVE. In this video you will learn the German possessive articles (mein, dein, sein...) in the accusative case. Explanation, example sentences so you can practice along and much more. Die Possessivartikel Akkusativ. First I am going to explain the possessive articles in singular and using tables in which you can see the entire declension of Possessivartikel in Nominative & Accusative. As usual we are gonna make some examples in each gender for all different possessive articles in Nominative and Accusative. Then I will explain the possessive articles in plural followed by examples.
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In this video you are going to learn the difference between the German cases accusative and dative and also nominative: Akkusativ oder Dativ? Which one you need to use? Are there rules? How can I determine the difference? To all these questions you will find answers in this video and hopefully understand the German cases better after watching this video. In this video you will not only learn how to form a sentence with the verbs HABEN und SEIN im Präteritum (the German simple past), but also when to use them. There are several questions in the "Example Sentence Section" (starting 5:31). If you want to use what you just learnt, you can answer them in the comment section of this video. In this video you can learn the German Imperativ Plural. When you talk to 2 or more people and want to give them an advice, an order or a request? You can and in most situations we do use the imperative plural. You will learn how to form it, practicing along with many examples and at the end a bonus tip about how to use it properly when giving an advice. The German alphabet or in German: das Alphabet. In this video you will learn the entire German ABC together with example words for each letter, pronunciation practice quick and easy. |