In this video you will learn the Top 20 most common, most used German verbs which can be used in a "Infinitivsatz" (infinitive sentence). Meaning: You can make sentences with zu + infinitive. Most of them can also be used with a "dass" sentence. But! using a Infinitivsatz levels up your German and just sounds better. The bonus tip is about the verb "brauchen", which has its own rule when it comes to the usage of "Infinitiv mit zu". And it's an important tip.
In our first lesson about "Konjunktiv 2" you will learn how to express wishes and dreams with three of the most important verbs in general subjunctive: WÜRDEN , HÄTTEN & WÄREN. By making example sentences together with me, you can discover this very important grammar step by step and make sure that you develop a good understanding of this very comprehensive grammar topic. Therefore you also should watch the bonus tip at the end of the video which also includes some homework for you. In this B1.1 level video you will learn when and how you can use the German "Infinitiv mit zu". What verbs, adjectives and nouns you can use to build those useful, not difficult but important sentences. Infinitive is the original form of the verb. This means the verb is not conjugated, just like you saw it for the first time. And you can use this construction after specific verbs, adjectives and nouns. You will find the most common ones here in this description below. |